About Us

Gramin Vikas Sansthan is a social organization which is supporting the village and society for their all-round development through programs like education, health and self-reliance. Like Child Education Center, Yoga Center, Sewing Training Center, Personal Development Education Program, Women Health Service, Health Camp, Yoga Camp, Sports Center, Naturopathy, Small-cottage Industry Training, efforts and cooperation to inspire/promote organic farming, awareness on Sanskar (moral education), efforts and awareness in the areas of cooperation (financial like education, health, help to the helpless) etc. is the value objective of the organization.


ग्रामीण विकास संस्थान एक सामाजिक संस्था है जो गांव और समाज को सर्वांगीण विकास हेतु  शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य और आत्मनिर्भर(DEVELOPMENT) जैसे कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से सहयोग कर रही है। जैसे बाल शिक्षा केन्द्र, योग केंद्र,सिलाई प्रशिक्षण केंद्र,यक्तिगत विकास शिक्षा कार्यक्रम,महिला स्वस्थ सेवा,स्वास्थ्य शिविर,योग शिविर,खेल कूद केंद्र,प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा,लघु-कुटीर उद्द्योग प्रशिक्षण,कृषि में जैविक के लिए प्रेरित/बढ़ावा देने के लिए प्रयास एवं सहयोग करना,संस्कार (नैतिक शिक्षा) पर जागरूकता, सहयोग (आर्थिक जैसे शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, असहाय में मदद) आदि क्षेत्रों में प्रयास एवं जागरूक करना ही संस्था का मूल्य उद्देश्य है।

Health Program

 Health Camp


In the Health Camp program, free health checkup and medicine distribution is done in backward villages away from the city/market so that the needy people can be helped through this program. Yoga Camp/Naturopathy


By organizing the program, people are made aware about health and are made aware of the prevention of diseases through yoga and naturopathy. Yoga is such a medical method that by adopting it, one can cure his own health. Sports Center


Under this program, the youth are motivated for sports. Teams are formed in the village and competitions are held with the teams of other villages, which will increase their interest and sports are also very important for health. If someone adopts sports in his daily routine, then his body will automatically become healthy. Therefore, through this program, the youth are motivated towards sports. Women Health Program


Women have more problems (related to health) than men because women of the village mostly stay at home. There is a lack of information. So under this program, women are made aware about health and are also trained on how to cure diseases through naturopathy.

Education Program

Through Bal Shiksha Kendra, small children who do not go to school or are educationally weak are provided with two to three hours of classes in their villages so that they grow in their education through moral/behavioral education and their knowledge, art skills and behavior are changed and efforts are made to make them civilized, cultured and capable citizens.

Support in the education of helpless children

Children who have a good interest in education and due to some reason are unable to study, whether they are financially weak or orphans, the organization makes efforts and supports to further the education of such children.

Personal development education

For personal development, students are given training related to daily routine and lifestyle by organizing camps for their development so that they can develop all round.

Yoga Kendra

In the Yoga Kendra, information about yoga education is given to children by skilled and experienced teachers through teaching and training. So that they can develop themselves and spread yoga education.

Sewing Training Centre

In sewing training, women are being trained in every village and encouraged to become self-reliant. So that they can become self-reliant and their economic condition can also improve.


Small and cottage industry training

Under this program, women and men of the village are trained to become self-reliant by setting up small industries. If a person of the village wants, he can improve his economic condition by staying at home and there are many such works which can be done such as herbs, dona pattal, toothpaste, incense sticks, agarbatti, pickles-murabba, sewing embroidery, etc. There are many such industries which can be easily done in the villages. Free training and support for all these activities.

Free training for organic farming

Through this program, village farmers are motivated and trained for organic farming. As today the condition of the fields is deteriorating day by day, the main reason for which is chemical fertilizers and medicines which not only damage the land but also the result is that every person is becoming a victim of some disease or the other. If we make our crops poison free, we will automatically become healthy. To achieve this objective, farmers are motivated and supported through Chaupal and training.

Public awareness program

Under this program, people are made aware of programs like social security and other government schemes and problems like girl education, drug eradication, dowry system, environment and water conservation and their solutions. There are many such problems which persist in villages due to lack of information. This becomes a big reason for the development of people. People are made aware and supported through this program.